Marcin Malicki, Expert of the month – June 2019!

This month our award goes to Dr. Marcin Malicki as a recognition of his hard work and dedication, Thank you so much for your great contribution!
In this interview, we had the chance to learn more about Marcin and his work at New Energy Transfer, as well as his involvement with various organisations to assist and support in the evaluation of projects and tenders in the field of Affordable and Clean Energy.
What is your area of expertise ?
During my career I’ve been awarded with a Ph.D. diploma from Warsaw University of Technology in the area of energy efficiency improvement of a Combined Cooling Heating and Power source as well as a series of post graduate diplomas in the area of financial management and project management giving me an overview of the whole innovation investment value chain for the final customer – from the idea to the final financial value proposition. My area of expertise covers on a fundamental level thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and cooling / refrigeration circuits reflected in real world by experience in cogeneration, trigeneration, sorption chillers / heat pumps as well as implementation of various renewable energy sources into conventional power generation / industrial installations.
Can you tell us more about New Energy Transfer and its activities ?
New Energy Transfer is a Polish private company present on energy and water market since more than a decade in a role of EPC contractor and equipment supplier. We are implementing cutting edge technologies leading to energy efficiency improvement of industrial installations as well as combined energy generation sources. Our activities cover advanced Research, Development and Implementation Programs in the area of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and water desalination / treatment as well as Engineering, Procurement and Construction of unique, one-of-its-kind installations and equipment for various industrial clients.
Could you tell us more about your role at New Energy Transfer, and how do you stay up to date with the new technologies ?
My role in the company, in the capacity of Innovation and Technology Director, is to define areas in which, on the basis of in-house as well as cooperative with academia research programs, visible innovations can lead to significant advancement of state-of-the-art. These innovations can enable deployment of unique solutions and equipment delivering additional value to the customer such as: lower energy consumption, higher process efficiency, and cleaner water. Besides my technical involvement within the company, I’m also responsible for the Intellectual Property Right securitisation on a national and international level; for which I keep myself up-to-date on the latest state-of-the-art in my area of expertise using patent databases as well as scientific publications databases.
What is the value of being an Expert for you, and how do you engage and contribute to the promotion of interesting solutions in the field of Affordable and Clean Energy?
In recent years I’m supporting various organisations in the assessment of novel concepts, equipments, and R&D projects. Through my Expert evaluation I am supporting the development of innovative ideas, as well as enabling its cost and time effective implementation. In the capacity if Independent Expert I’m supporting the European Commission, the Polish National Centre for Research and Development, Serbian Innovation Fund as well as the Solar Impulse Foundation. Moreover, in my free time I’m reviewing scientific articles for potential publication in Energy (international, multi-disciplinary journal in energy engineering and research), as well as contributing myself as an author.
I find this involvement as an Expert very fascinating, as each evaluation its highly unique depending on the applicant's requirement. For instance, within my evaluations, I often focus on the applicant's financial activity, in order to understand the likelihood of obtaining financial support to further develop their products/ideas. In other cases, I am requested to evaluate and comment on a potential valuable strategy to increase the applicant's visibility, therefore bringing interesting solutions to the general public.
As a Solar Impulse Foundation Expert, I provide cleantech Solutions’ appraisals based on which the innovation will be granted an Efficient Solution label. Within my role i find particularly interesting, and at the same time challenging, being able to evaluate the “real-life” impact of a Solution, considering both its technology maturity and profitability. In my opinion, the implementation of these 1000 clean and profitable Solutions will certainly make the world a much better place!
Have you come across any interesting Solution that you would like to see in our 1000 Solutions portfolio? If not do you have any Solutions that you wish to see in our portfolio?
At this moment I’m excited about the advancements of various methods of water treatment using Micro Nano Bubbles (MNB) introduction, delivering significant decrease in energy usage and increase in water quality. I’m a part of a project to develop first of it’s kind modular water treatment solution using MNB technology, being able to be deployed everywhere in the World.
Have you get the chance to participate in our Experts’ Challenge, or do you wish to participate in the future ?
I haven’t had an opportunity yet to participate in on of the Solar Impulse Foundation -Expert Challenges mainly due to my time limitations, but it seems very exciting! I’m looking forward to next ones and hope I will have an opportunity to attend.