Realistic, let's be logical as much as ecological
Everyone knows the problems. What we now need are solutions, to give hope and get out of the current dilemma between economic degrowth leading to social chaos and runaway consumerism leading to ecological disaster. Far from expenses and sacrifices feared by many, Bertrand Piccard gives us another point of view, approaching environmental protection differently. From his childhood memories which shaped his ecological sensitivity to his work today as a "climate psychiatrist", he invites readers into his push for "realistic" action.
In an original, clear and uncompromising plea, he sets out the foundations of his “third way”, qualitative growth reconciling ecology and economy. With more than a thousand concrete solutions identified through his Solar Impulse Foundation, he demonstrates that it is possible to create wealth and jobs while respecting nature.
"No need to be pessimistic or even optimistic, let's just be realistic": a unifying approach and a new narrative of ecology.