May's Expert of the Month: Azhan Hasan!

Each month we focus on one member of our Expert Community, a group of independent Experts who play a crucial role in assessing Solutions seeking the Efficient Solution Label. Experts assess Solutions based on five key criteria to ensure they can operate in a sustainable and profitable way.
May's Expert of the Month: Azhan Hasan!
This month, we are delighted to announce that the Expert of the Month for May is Azhan Hasan! Azhan joined the Expert Community in March 2019, and has assessed 26 Solutions since joining as an Expert. Azhan has real expertise in sustainable consumption and production, sustainability and eco-innovation.
Please tell us a little about yourself (e.g. where do you live, where are you from, your educational background etc.)
I am a Malaysian and currently living in Doha, Qatar and serving Turner & Townsend LLC Qatar as a Consultant-Infrastructure (Qatar/Middle East) as well as being seconded to the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change (MECC) Qatar as an Advisor-Climate Change. I have submitted my PhD dissertation titled “Eco-Innovation Policy for Sustainable Japanese Electronics Industry" to the Freie Universität Berlin for the academic panel review.
What are your areas of expertise and professional work?
I consider my expertise in the environmental, governance, sustainability, green growth, circular economy as well as sustainable consumption and production (SCP). Professionally speaking, I am working in the area of consultancy, advisory and policy analysis.
You have been a researcher in the field of Environmental Policy at the Freie Universität of Berlin, Germany. What attracted you to that role?
I have been a researcher/PhD student at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) Freie Universität Berlin. FFU is the largest research center of Germany for research, consultancy, advisory and postgraduate teaching and learning in the area of energy, environment, sustainability as well as policy and governance study. The center also has various research and policy analysis collaboration with German government, EU, China, Japan, Africa and Asia Pacific. I have learnt a lot through research collaboration, seminar, guest lecture, winter and summer school and policy engagement at the ministry, business corporation, research center, think tank etc.
Do you want to share a few words about your current role as a consultant? What is the most promising or exciting area of your professional focus which could help the transition to clean technology and sustainability?
I'm currently working as a consultant; focusing on infrastructure for Qatar and other Middle East countries. This is a very exciting area and a challenge where I can contribute to the idea of sustainable infrastructure, decarbonization, net zero initiative, smart city, green building and green solutions. Additionally, I also have the opportunity to work closely with policy makers, consultants, planners, think-tankers etc. Many of my professional works as a consultant and advisor are engaging on the system thinking and policy nexus on clean technology as well as sustainability.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
I think of my ability to offer advice, revise and offer an insight/opinion on document, plan, policy brief etc. Besides that, it is also offered me a good opportunity to connect and engage with other experts in sustainable infrastructure, circular economy, decarbonization, net zero initiative, smart city, green building and green solutions.
You joined the Solar Impulse Foundation back in 2019. Why did you decide to join the Expert Community?
I have been introduced and invited to join the Solar Impulse Foundation (SIF) by the previous Expert Assessment Coordinator, Dr Sabrina Cipullo. I am very impressed with the work of our Founder, Bertrand Piccard and the SIF’s community to promote clean solutions as a mean to promote sustainable future globally.
What does being part of the Solar Impulse Foundation mean to you?
It is exciting and inspiring to be part of this scientific community to contribute to the sustainability mission, I also enjoy experts’ networking and collaboration.
What are your hopes for the labelled Solutions and the Solar Impulse Foundation?
I want to see more labelled solutions from Asia-Pacific and under-represented regions especially Africa and Latin. Apart from that, I think, it is time for SIF to invest on scientific training and development to train the Community and Experts for future agenda. Thank you SIF for this opportunity!
Are you interested in joining the Expert Community? Find out more about becoming an Expert here.