Climate Impulse: An environmental flagship, a symbol of commitment
to a greener future
An "Inspioneer" combining innovation and exploration to tackle the great challenges of our time
An eco-realist way of thinking reconciling economy and ecology for qualitative growth

Serial explorer, psychiatrist and clean technology pioneer

Following his successful around-the-world flight in a solar-powered airplane, Bertrand Piccard and his Solar Impulse Foundation have succeeded in identifying more than a thousand Solutions that can protect the environment in a financially profitable way. His aim now is to take these to governments and companies and help them to accelerate the transition towards a zero-carbon economy.

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A pioneer in his gene

He was brought up to go beyond convention wisdom, and to achieve the impossible. Scion of a legendary family of explorers and scientists who conquered the stratosphere and the ocean depths, Bertrand is inspired by the same passion for innovation and environmental conservation. He uses his exploits in the air to promote the causes that are dear to him, and to track down ways of enhancing our quality of life.

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The twice-around-the-world man

Bertrand entered history by achieving two great aeronautical « firsts ». His non-stop around-the-world balloon trip was the ultimate flight - the longest ever in aviation history for both duration and distance. More recently, his global circumnavigation in Solar Impulse was the apotheosis of his pioneering vision: 43,000 km in a solar airplane without using any fuel, demonstrating the immense potential of renewable energies and technologies.

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Climate psychiatrist

Thanks to his dual identity as a physician and psychiatrist who is sensitive to how problems arise, and as an explorer searching for new ways of thinking, Bertrand has become an influential voice in many top institutions. As one of the first to consider ecology as a source of profitability, he became a United Nations Ambassador for the Environment and a Special Advisor to the European Commission. His next mission: a new trip around the world to take.

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Climate Impulse
Flying non-stop around the world in a green hydrogen-powered airplane

Bertrand Piccard unveils Climate Impulse, a new flagship for climate action. After achieving the first circumnavigations of the globe in a balloon and more recently in a solar aircraft, Swiss explorer Bertrand Piccard unveils his new emission-free project: a green hydrogen powered airplane to fly non-stop around the Earth, demonstrating how concrete solutions can help build a cleaner and more efficient world.

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Solar Impulse Foundation
1000+ profitable solutions to protect the environment

To address environmental challenges without compromising economic growth, Bertrand Piccard and the Solar Impulse Foundation have identified 1000+ clean and profitable solutions, and are now committed to going even further. By offering political and economic decision-makers a Solutions Guide that can be implemented on a large scale, the Foundation will help them establish a roadmap for the adoption of much more ambitious energy and environmental programs and thus achieve their carbon neutrality objectives.

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Instead of failing to push our society into the future, shouldn't we start by bringing it back from the past and into the present?
Bertrand Piccard
The impossible does not exist as such in reality, it only exists in the mindset of those who see the future as an extrapolation of the past.
Bertrand Piccard
No one is completely right or wrong. All ideas are necessary, to provide what we need, to change what we think we need, and to revolutionize the system.
Bertrand Piccard
My vision of the ecological transition is a peaceful and unifying one, yet we are still talking of carrying out a revolution.
Bertrand Piccard
To get out of the current divide, let's start by asking ourselves this question: what should decrease and what should continue to increase?
Bertrand Piccard
My ambition is to chart the course of a possible other model of ecology.
Bertrand Piccard

New book
Realistic, let's be logical as much as ecological

The problems are known. What we now need are solutions. As a Psychiatrist, Bertrand Piccard knows we cannot change human nature or win the climate battle by asking people to forgo modern comforts. Over 200 pages, he shows that it’s possible to get out of the current dilemma between degrowth leading to social chaos and infinite growth leading to climate disaster. With a realistic vision, Bertrand invites us to reverse the conversation offering us a third way, "qualitative growth" which reconciles ecology and economy.

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Bertrand Piccard, Ambassador of the pioneering spirit with Breitling Explorer Squad

In 2018, Breitling launched its Squad crews. This campaign brought together trios of exceptional personalities to celebrate the Swiss watchmaker’s the key values: action, mission and pioneering spirit. Bertrand Piccard was selected to be part of the Explorer Squad alongside polar adventurer Inge Solheim as well as David de Rothschild, who repeated the Kontiki's exploit with a raft built from PET bottles. These three explorers embody a pioneering spirit at the service of the environment.'

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